Bseb Patna I Have a Dream Summary Inter English Part 01
Inter 100 Marks English
Section: – Prose
Chapter – 04
I Have A Dream Summary (Writer: – Martin Luther King, Jr. 15.01.1929 – 04.04.1968)
He conjointly reminds the white Americans that everyone men are created equal by God. They must shed their emotion for the Blacks as a result of the blacks also are the voters of the identical America. He hopes that every day can return once the peach the blacks and Whites can sit along at a table of brotherhood and Alabama, too can become a developed state because the different state of America.
Important Word Meaning:-
Dream = सपना
Symbolic = सांकेतिक
Emancipation = मुक्ति
Proclamation = घोषणा
Momentous = बहुत महत्वपूर्ण
Decree = आदेश
Beacon = संकेत के लिए पर्वत पर
Slaves = गुलाम
Seared = कड़ा करना
Flames = लपट, ज्वाला
Withering = मुर्झाना
Daybreak = सबेरा
Manacles = हत्कडी
Segregation = अलगाव
Languishing = कास्ट उठाना
Exile = वनवास
Appalling = दुखद
Promissory = प्रतिज्ञायुक्त
Obligation = आभार
Bankrupt = दिवालिया
Hallowed = पवित्र किया हुआ
Fierce = भयानक
Cooling off = धीरज ना खोना
Tranquilizing = शांतिप्रिय बनाना
Racial Justice = जातीय न्याय
Fatal = घातक
Tribulations = यातनाये
Persecution = बुरा
Veterans = दक्ष लोगो
Redemptive = मुक्ति दायक
Frustration = निराशा
Creed = सिधान्तो की पद्धति
Desert = मरुभूमि
Oppression = अत्याचार
Nullification = रद्द करना
Crooked = कपटी
Pilgrim’s pride = तीर्थ यात्रिओ का गौरव
Hilltop = पहाड़ी की चोटी
Heightening = उचाई देना
Snowcapped = बर्फ से आच्छादित
Hamlet = छोटा गांव
For more click here: – I Have a Dream part 02
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