Objective of On Letter Writing for Bihar 12th 50 Marks English Prose

Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose Objective of On Letter Writing

Objective of On Letter – Writing for Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose

Bihar Board 12th 50Marks English Prose Section:-

Chapter Name: – On Letter Writing

Chapter Number: – Fourth

Writer: – A.G. Gardiner

Dear students of Bihar board of 12th class here you will get the objective of ‘On Letter Writing” is written by A.G. Gardiner. Please study this objectives carefully and a lots of marks in Bihar Board final Intermediate examination.

12th 50Marks English on Letter Writing objective questions for 2021 Bihar Board final intermediate examination.

1. Two great letter – writers of all time mentioned in the essay ‘On Letter Writing’ are –
इस पाठ में किस दो महान पत्रकार के बारे में वर्णित है ?
Ans: – Carlyle and Keats

2. The essay, ‘On Letter Writing ’ is penned by :-
यह पाठ किसके द्वारा लिखा गया है ?
Ans: – A.G. Gardiner

3. According to De Quincey, the dales men of Lakeland of a century ago used to dodge –
डी क्विंसी के अनुसार, एक सदी पहले लेकलैंड के डेल्स आदमी किसे चकमा देते थे?
Ans: – The postal charge

4. The two soldiers looked like –
दो सिपाही कैसे दीखते थे ?
Ans: – Brothers

5. How did Sam said, ‘It is a real job’?
सैम ने कैसे कहा, ‘यह एक वास्तविक काम है’ ?
Ans: – Ruefully सावधानी से

6. Who said Bill not to forget to write a letter?
किसने कहा कि बिल को पत्र लिखना नहीं भूलना चाहिए?
Ans: – Sam

7. Who was the victim of cold?
ठण्ड का शिकार कौन था?
Ans: – Aunt Jane

8. Sam felt his head as empty as –
सैम ने अपना सिर खाली किस चीज के जैसा महसूस किया?
Ans: – A Drum

9. Letters written by Cowper, Horace Walpole, Byron, Lamb and Carlyle could be called –
काउपर, होरेस वालपोल, बायरन, मेम्ने और कार्लाइल द्वारा लिखे गए पत्रों को कहा जा सकता है –
Ans: – Immortal अमर

Thanks for coming on the ‘On Letter Writing’ objective questions and answers post which is for 2021 Bihar Board final intermediate examination of 12th 50Marks English.