To Have Verb Present Time का Passive Voice (वाच्य)
The Active and passive voice of present To Have verb in Hindi |
The Active and passive voice of present To Have verb in Hindi
आदरणीय पाठक आज के इस शैक्षणिक पोस्ट में आप सब सीखेंगे To Have Verb Present Time का Voice (वाच्य)). पीछे के पाठ में आप To have as helping verb क्या है के बारे में सिख चुके है जिस पाठ में To Have Verb के Infinitive पर वाक्य बनाने की जानकारी दी गयी है।
जिसे आप यह क्लिक करके पढ़ सकते है। तो आज के इस भाग में उसी पाठ का वाच्य यानि Active Voice से Passive Voice बनाने के नियम का अध्यन्न करेंगे।
To Have verb (Present) के Infinitive वाक्य का Active Voice बनाने के नियम नीचे वर्णन किया गया है।
Formula :- Subject + have/has + to + vi + object. (Formula of Active Voice)
To Have verb (present) के Infinitive में जो active वाक्य है उसका Passive Voice बनाने के लिए नीचे के फार्मूला का उपयोग करे। इसी फार्मूला active voice वाक्यो का passive voice बनाया गया है
जिसे आप ध्यान से समझने का प्रयास करे। वाक्यो को आप नकारात्मक, प्रश्नवाचक और नकारात्मक प्रश्नवाचक रूप में भी बदल सकते है।
Formula: – Object + have/has + to + be + v3 + by + subject. (Formula of Passive Voice)
I have to cut a tree.
A tree has to be cut by me. मेरे द्वारा एक पेड़ की कटाई होनी है।
A tree does not have to be cut by me.
Does a tree have to be cut by me?
Does a tree not have to be cut by me?
You have to sell a beautiful car.
A beautiful car has to be sold by you. आपके द्वारा एक सूंदर कार की बिक्री होनी है।
A beautiful car does not have to be sold by you.
Does a beautiful car have to be sold by you?
Does a beautiful car not have to be sold by you?
He has to help the village poor.
The village poor has to be helped by him. उसके द्वारा गांव के गरीब की मदद होनी है।
The village poor does not have to be helped by him.
Does the village poor have to be helped by him?
Does the village poor not have to be helped by him?
She has to sing a Hindi song.
A Hindi song has to be sung by her. उसके द्वारा एक हिंदी की गाना की गायन होनी है।
A Hindi song does not have to be sung by her.
Does a Hindi song have to be sung by her?
Does a Hindi song not have to be sung by her?
We have to do these work.
These work have to be done by us. ये सभी कार्य हमलोगो के द्वारा होनी है।
These work do not have to be done by us.
Do these work have to be done by us?
Do these work not have to be done by us?
They have to write good poems.
Good poems have to be written by them. उनके द्वारा अच्छे कवितायेँ की लेखन होनी है।
Good poems do not have to be written by them.
Do good poems have to be written by them?
Do good poems have to be written by them?
ऊपर के नियम और उधारण के सहयोग से आप वाक्य बनाकर इस पाठ को कंठस्थ कर सकते है।
यदि इसी पाठ को वीडियो के माध्यम से समझना चाहते है तो नीचे यूट्यूब के चैनल के इस वीडियो को देख सकते है।
आदरणीय पाठक यह पाठ आपको कैसा लगा हमें एक कमेंट के माध्यम से बताने का कृपा करे। ।।आपका दिल से धन्यवाद ।।